Are minimalist floral rugs in fashion? - Inspired Design Community - Beija Flor

Are minimalist floral rugs in fashion?

Asked 3 years ago

My mom was cleaning out her flat and found a minimalist-style floral rug that she has given me for my new place. Are minimalist floral rugs like this still in fashion these days?

Micaela Velez

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Minimalist floral rugs have made a come-back from the 1930s and can be found in fashionable homes everywhere in the 2020s, with the minimalist trend still going strong. You could choose a floral rug for any room, then repeat one of the colors in your upholstery, curtaining or cushions. Beija Flor echoes this trend by offering a variety of floral design eco-friendly vinyl rugs. You can choose any floral pattern you like. Remember, you can still be minimalist with a more complex floral rug design if you tone down and de-clutter the rest of the room.

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