How can I create a cozy bedroom atmosphere with a floral rug? - Inspired Design Community - Beija Flor

How can I create a cozy bedroom atmosphere with a floral rug?

Asked 2 years ago

I got a beautiful floral rug for my birthday with a circle of leaves as the pattern and white lilies surrounding the border. It adds a fresh outdoors-in feel to the room, but I think I also need the room to have an inviting and cozy atmosphere.

Leslie Hart

Sunday, June 05, 2022

Your floral rug in the bedroom can be accentuated by your soft furnishings. It sounds as if you have green and white as the basic colors of the rug, so you could repeat those colors in your bedding. However, green and white are not warm colors, so a contrast touch of pink or red, in plants, curtains, or a soft plush throw, would enhance the coziness of the room. You could also echo the white lilies with some cushion covers featuring a white lily pattern.

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