Are premium vinyl table runners resistant to fading when washed?
Asked 2 years ago
I'm looking for a durable table runner I can use daily at dinner. I've been considering high-quality vinyl. I've been considering getting a checkered pattern vinyl table runner to elevate the dining room. I'm worried that if I wash it regularly with detergent, it might fade and lose its appeal. Are premium vinyl table runners resistant to fading if routinely cleaned?
Natasha Johnson
Thursday, November 10, 2022
The best thing about premium vinyl is that it is fantastically easy to clean and you won't need to wash it with detergent; in fact it is recommended you don't. This could damage your vinyl table runner and cause curling. You can just clean your runner with soap and water. Just be sure to wipe it dry after. And avoid and products that may contain acid or chlorine. Then you're good to go!
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