Is vinyl flooring a good option to protect my baby from a fall impact? - Inspired Design Community - Beija Flor

Is vinyl flooring a good option to protect my baby from a fall impact?

Asked 2 years ago

I have a toddler who is at the beginning stages of learning how to balance and stand on her own. I am thinking of changing the flooring in some of the rooms in the house to make them more comfortable for my baby. They tend to take a few tumbles at this stage, and I want to eliminate as many potential hazards as possible, but I still want the flooring to look attractive.

Xavier Munoz

Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Even though vinyl would be considered a "hard" material, it is a softer bet than most other rug material options, making it more comfortable for little feet. It will also provide a little bit of a cushioning for your baby learning taking their first steps. You could also layer up some premium vinyl rugs for more softness and comfort, as well as creating attractive flooring for any of your rooms.

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