Are vinyl products easy to maintain without needing frequent replacement? - Inspired Design Community - Beija Flor

Are vinyl products easy to maintain without needing frequent replacement?

Asked 3 years ago

My partner and I are renovating our apartment. We want to replace the carpet in our living room. We are busy looking at the different kinds of flooring to replace it with, and right now we're looking at vinyl flooring. Our main concern is that we don't want to frequently replace the new flooring we get. Could vinyl flooring be more durable and easy to clean?

Bryson Kelley

Friday, August 05, 2022

Vinyl flooring is quite tough and long-lasting, and won't need to be replaced soon (it can last 10 to 25 years), but it requires proper care. Don't use hot steam or abrasive brushes and cleaners on them, but regularly vacuum and sweep them with a damp mop to clean them.

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