Do premium vinyl rugs trap dust particles that trigger asthma attacks? - Inspired Design Community - Beija Flor

Do premium vinyl rugs trap dust particles that trigger asthma attacks?

Asked 3 years ago

My husband has asthma and I'm worried that getting a rug for our living room might trap dust particles and trigger his asthma attacks. Do premium vinyl rugs do this? Or are they safe for people with asthma? Thanks in advance!

Alexis Henson

Thursday, June 02, 2022

Premium vinyl rugs are a good choice for those who struggle with asthma and allergies attacks, since they are really easy to clean and maintain. Regular cleaning, mopping and vacuuming is essential to minimise dust mites, combat mold and removing and minimizing any other asthmas triggers. However, it's important to bear in mind that most synthetic flooring initially release gasses known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can worsen asthma.

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