Will neutral rug colors work well for a minimalist Mediterranean design theme? - Inspired Design Community - Beija Flor

Will neutral rug colors work well for a minimalist Mediterranean design theme?

Asked 2 years ago

I recently relocated to a larger apartment. I've always wanted to start over with my living room design, and I'm looking for something simple. I am drawn to Mediterranean rug design because it uses neutral colors like a soft blue. I want to incorporate them into my design vision, but I'm unsure if it'll work. Is it perfect for me?

Natasha Johnson

Natasha Johnson

Friday, December 09, 2022

So vibrant and rich colors are usually associated with the Meditteranean palette. But there are some lovely softer variations, or hues too. Since you have a larger apartment, you get to play with color and variation. Neutral colors are a good place to start, and build up from there. If you want to go minimalist and create a sense of space then neutral is definitely the way to go. Think off-white or lighter terracotta, paler blues and subtle greens. Have fun decorating your new space!

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