Can you use a herringbone pattern tile rug to shift focus to a different part of the room?
Asked 2 years ago
I have an open-plan kitchen in my apartment which leads into my breakfast nook. I need something in my kitchen that will draw the eye towards the breakfast nook. I have decided to use a tile rug! In order for it to draw the eye away from the kitchen, I want to use a herringbone pattern tile rug. Can anyone advise if this is a good idea?
Zayden Estes
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
It might be a good idea, yes. Because of the sense of movement that this pattern creates, it leads the eyes in a specific direction. You'll be able to achieve your goal of drawing the eye towards your breakfast nook quite effectively with this pattern. A herringbone tile carpet is definitely a good way to set a certain part of your space apart from the rest.
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