Can vinyl flooring material be recycled without impacting the environment? - Inspired Design Community - Beija Flor

Can vinyl flooring material be recycled without impacting the environment?

Asked 3 years ago

I am moving into my new apartment soon, but first, renovations are being done. The bedroom has vinyl flooring, which I want to replace with a carpet. I don't want the vinyl flooring to be dumped in a landfill where the plastic and chlorine can pollute the environment. I want to recycle the flooring if it's possible. However, I'm not sure if the recycling process would be any better if it also releases toxins into the environment.

Raphael Wiggins

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Vinyl flooring is made from polyvinyl chloride and is non-biodegradable. It is for this reason that vinyl flooring can last up to 20 years but also cannot be recycled without making an impact on the environment. However, there are recycling centers that take vinyl flooring and recycle it into new vinyl products.

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