Is floral wallpaper suitable for a bathroom? - Inspired Design Community - Beija Flor

Is floral wallpaper suitable for a bathroom?

Asked 2 years ago

My bathroom gets a lot of natural light, so I've ordered white tiles to complement the light. I still think it needs a bit more character. I’m thinking of getting a nature-themed wallpaper just to make it pop. I’m worried it may make the room look crowded.

Susanna Stanley

Friday, June 10, 2022

A floral wallpaper in your well-lit bathroom could help to soften the glare off the white tiles, so it is a good decorative choice. The floral element will also soften the ambience, and add visual interest. Beija Flor offers wall coverings in the form of wipe-clean vinyl mats that act as a wallpaper. These mats are suitable for the bathroom because they don't absorb moisture and are easy to wash. Beija Flor also offers stick-on wall coverings with floral themes, like the Almond Mint Roll Sticker.

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