Can I stack vinyl tiles with different patterns to give an eclectic feel? - Inspired Design Community - Beija Flor

Can I stack vinyl tiles with different patterns to give an eclectic feel?

Asked 3 years ago

My partner and I have COMPLETELY different style tastes, and it's making our bathroom renovation very tricky. He wants to use vinyl tiles with a bold geometric print, but I want to use vinyl tiles with neutral floral prints. Is it possible for us to stack these tiles to give our bathroom an eclectic feel?

Xavier Munoz

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Yes! Mix and match the different prints, and you'll have a truly unique and eclectic design that will definitely stand out. Since your tastes are so different, you can both feel like you have something you like in the bathroom without compromising or sacrificing your own style. This way, you can have fun renovating your bathroom rather than argue about it.

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